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Bug#411207: bug

On Saturday 17 February 2007 04:32, Erasmo Gomez Calderon wrote:
> Comments/Problems:
> The system hangs when it boot with the following message:
> sd 2:0:0:7: Attached scsi removable disk sdj
> Done.
>         Check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline
>         or missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules is /dev
> ALERT! /dev/sdi3 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

This is probably due to the fact that modules are loaded in a different 
order during the boot than during the installation. This will result in 
the drives being named differently and thus the boot process cannot find 
your root disk.

This issue is documented in the errata for the last release:

You should be able to correct this by using the debug shell you have after 
the failure to see in which order modules are loaded (cat /proc/modules) 
and which devices are linked with which hard disks (dmesg).
You will then have to correct the grub configuration and /etc/fstab to 
reflect the new order (e.g. using the installer's rescue mode).

Note that the order in which modules are loaded is not guaranteed to 
always be the same. You can force the order in which modules are loaded 
by adding them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and regenerating the 

Hope this helps in solving the problem. Note that there is nothing 
fundamentally wrong with your installation.


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