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Re: dashslashdash d-i patches

Philip Hands wrote:
> Of course, since going down this route, I've also created a script
> (dsd_fetch_file) that includes the fetching code from preseed to allow
> scripts to easily grab files from the same source as the preseed files -- I
> think if we split the code in preseed out into a fetch_file script which
> was then invoked by preseed.sh and also available for scripts, the need for
> the horror of dsd:// urls might well evaporate.

preseed.sh is already a function library that such a script can source.

> >    Rather than:
> > 
> >    debconf_set foo/bar "baz"
> debconf_set does not allow you to set variables that don't already exist.
> *light bulb blinks on overhead*
> Hmm, I feel that it's possible that I've been spending quite a lot of
> effort working around that little fact, and that I should have just
> implemented something to setup new variables instead.

Well, or the script could . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule.sh and use
db_register and db_set in the regular way, which is probably even better
than using debconf-set for long-term reusability.

see shy jo

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