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Re: Can apt-get do an "apt-get update"? Broken installs

Martin Michlmayr wrote:
> I see that apt-setup-verify does an 'apt-get' update to verify a source
> is correct, but it only writes it to a tmp file.  Is there any reason
> it's not updated in /target?  That would solve my problem.

apt-setup-verify runs apt as follows:

        if $chroot $ROOT apt-get -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup=false \
                -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist=$tmp update

Where $tmp is not /etc/apt/sources.list. However, since Dir::State is
left alone, and APT::Get::List-Cleanup=false, apt still downloads all
files to the same place as it would when using /etc/apt/sources.list, and,
as far as I know, uses them in subsequent apt runs. If it was throwing
it all away then your manual apt run would download more than the few
bytes you show it downloading, right?

(For what it's worth, I developed this behind dialup; if it threw the
lists away during this rather than caching them, I would be very
painfully aware of it..)

I have no idea what the cause of this problem that (only you,
apparently) are having, but it doesn't seem to be related to this.

One situation that I have seen similar to this is if apt-get update is
run at exactly the wrong time while a Debian mirror is updated, it's
sometimes possible for apt to download the old Release.gpg file and then
a current Release file. Then the Release file fails to validate. But
your apt run shows it downloading two Release.gpg files from two mirrors
and no other files, and it's beyond belief that you'd manage to hit this
race on two mirrors.

see shy jo

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