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Re: [G-I] Indic and arabic fonts; which are best?

Hi Eddy,

>As I (think I) told you on the way to Madrid, I think that we can do
>that with really tough font stripping. I can't tell you ow confident I
>am that we will fix it and that we will do it really well ;-) .

I've never had any doubts about that; since it's already happened that one
font file was said to be OK but we had to change it for other reasons (Arabic/Persian),
IMO it would be wiser to find the right set of font files first and once
we got all there, we can work on consistency.
As pointed out by Attilio, when using the 2.8.10 based iso, font sizes are
very different from what we have with the current semi-official iso, so it
would be a pity if we spent a lot of time on that and we had to throw it
away when we change the libraries.

Said that, I still think it is very useful to gather the needed know-how
in order to be able to make a very good looking g-i once everything will
be ready.


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