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Re: build error gtk/gdk

Xavier Oswald wrote:
On 15:19 Mon 21 Nov     , Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:

Xavier Oswald wrote:


I'm trying to compile the D-I with a personnal gparted udeb package.
I think the version of gtk using by the installer with dfbgtk is 2.0.x
and i'm using the version 2.6.x.

I have this error :
Object: ./tmp/gtk-miniiso/tree/usr/lib/libdirect-0.9.so.22.0.0
5742 symbols, 897 unresolved
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/mklibs", line 442, in ?
    raise "No library provides non-weak " + symbol
		No library provides non-weak gdk_pixbuf_format_get_mime_types
		make[2]: *** [stamps/tree-gtk-miniiso-stamp] Erreur 1
		make[1]: *** [_build] Erreur 2
		make: *** [build_gtk-miniiso] Erreur 2

I don't know if this symbol is in the actual version of gtk using by
dfb.. ??

Can someone help me ?

actually GTKDFB 2.0.9 is used for "official" alpha miniiso and will be for some time still since GTKDFB 2.8.3 is based on many components that have not yet been packaged (cairodfb, slim) and needs major revision by its maintainer, mike emmel. gdk_pixbuf_format_get_mime_types() was introduced in GTK 2.6, so it's not supported by GTKDFB 2.0.9 and no surprise gparted doesn't compile. You need to build a set of GTKDFB 2.8.3 libs as described in http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstallerGUIBuild and compile gparted agains them. If you want i can point you to a precompiled set of libs and all the needed files to create a miniiso that includes GTKDFB 2.8.3 (like https://debian.polito.it/downloads/mini_gtkdfb_2_8_3.iso).

Yeah, that's will be cool :)
I have wanted to do that alone, but directfb cvs seems broken.. :(

Anyway having in perspective gparted packed into d-i is another good reason for the GTKDFB port to exist and be mantained.

I think so, and i want to include gparted to the futur version of the
D-I. Gparted looks better than partman but lots of works need to be
done, to have a good partitioning tools.

look at https://debian.polito.it/downloads/, you will find

a set of libs and developement files you can use to develope and run gtk apps against (exporting the correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PKG_CONFIG_PATH env vars, of course)

a tarball you can place in the gtk-tb when building the miniiso to replace GTKDFB 2.0.9 libs with newer GTKDFB 2.8.3


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