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apt-setup comments out existing sources

Hello list,

I was hoping someone could provide me with a suggested course of action. I am putting together an automated installation that will use layered source lists to control package selection. I have made a snapshot of the Sarge repository to provide a local, static platform for a simple tablet system. I am planning on leaving that repository untouched and periodically rsync-ing it back up to the live repository until Sarge becomes stable.

I have put together a second, custom repository that will provide any special or updated packages (tracking enlightenment e17 cvs and others) which will supersede the base Debian packages in the Sarge snapshot. I will also use it to distribute a tasksel definition that will guide the second stage installation process.

I need to use the base-config/late_command to trigger some post-install customization, so I was hoping to use the base-config/early_command to echo in the extra custom source line into the sources.list file. Unfortunately, my attempts to include this second repository are frustrated by the base-config*/lib/menu/apt-setup script which dutifully comments out any existing sources.

Obviously, I can simply build my own custom base-config that no longer comments out the sources.list file. I was wondering if anyone had a suggestion on how to integrate this functionality into the base-config package. Perhaps adding a debconf base-config/no_comment variable and including a check in the script? If anyone has a suggestion on how this might be acceptably integrated, I'll be happy to do the code work and submit a patch.

Anthony L. Awtrey
Chief Technology Officer
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