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Re: specifiying a preseed url by dhcp

Steve Langasek wrote:
>  class "vendor-classes" {
>    match option vendor-class-identifier;
>  }
>  subclass "vendor-classes" "D-I" {
>    next-server;
>    filename "preseed-gunk";
>  }

Good idea.. I wonder if the next-server and filename here should be used
to construct a http url. As with Raul's idea, it sort of suggests we
should use tftp to download the preseed file, but there's no tftp in

If we construct a url from these using
http://${next-server}/${filename}/preseed.cfg then most users could just
add a pxelinux.0/preseed.cfg to their web document root and would not
need to use your trick in dhcpd.conf. Users who need more control could
use the client classing to override filename to point to wherever they
prefer to keep the preseed files on their web server.

Sending a class identifier for d-i's dhcp seems like a good thing
anyway since it allows for things like separate subnets used for d-i
installs vs deployed systems.

see shy jo

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