Bug#282780: rc2 hangs in detect filesystems using linux26
This is the trackrecord of this problem thusfar:
Date Which Where
11/24/04 | linux26 | Installing Partitioner |
11/24/04 | linux26 | DEBUG:virt. pkg. HD det. |
11/25/04 | linux26 | setting up makedev |
11/26/04 | linux26 | NOFAIL |
11/26/04 | expert26 | NOFAIL |
11/26/04 | expert26 | NOFAIL |
11/27/04 | linux26 | NOFAIL |
11/28/04 | linux26 |Installing base pkgs. |
11/28/04 | linux26 noapic nolapic | Config. Req. pkgs.
11/28/04 | linux26 | Unpacking IPtables |
Same box. Same rc2. Same partition.
Next I will see if there is a syslog in the partition
that he tried to setup. Also try DEBUG.
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