Bug#283142: Quik fails to install on beige G3
On (26/11/04 22:39), simon@nuit.ca wrote:
> reassign #283142 debian-installer
> thanks
> Ce jour Fri, 26 Nov 2004, Clive Menzies a dit:
> > Package: quik
> >
> > Version unknown - from sarge-powerpc-netinst.iso rc2
> >
> > Apologies for the lack of the exact message but during the install, when
> > installing quik I got a red screen saying "Failed to symlink to valid
> > kernel ..... symlink /vmlinuz or /bootvmlinuz isn't linked to a valid
> > kernel"
> um, that's not quik's fault, that's the installer's fault. there is no
> vmlinuz on ppc, only vmlinux. i'm going to reassign this bug the
> installer folks. the installer runs sysklogd; see the more informative
> info on VT 3 and VT 4 (VT 2 is a shell you can use). i had to do all
> that quik installation manually for a separate /boot partition.
Oops - apologies. I've also been testing the i386 version of the
installer and may have imagined I saw "vmlinuz" and unfortunately I
didn't have time to repeat the process to make sure.
> > Upshot - quik fails to install.
> >
> > This is on a beige G3 266Mz - I've never been able to get quik working
> > on this box. Reverting to BootX
> http://simonraven.nuit.ca/macppc/models.shtml,
> http://wiki.kisikew.org/bin/view/Know/MacModels (same page, latter
> slightly newer, though some of the links might still need editing)
> should tell you about the beige G3s, and their extreme pickiness with
> quik. that's an OF issue, that i don't know if we can get around in s/w
> (quik) or not.
I came across these pages just now - very useful thanks. I'm giving the
G3 away and I've a number of other projects on the go and so I think
I'll have to let this one go. The new owner will have to rely on BootX.
> PS for the d-i folks: there's a bug you can close, or at least take a look at, and
> that's #252426. sven luther has some working boot floppies, the default
> ones still need to be tested on more machines i think.
www.clivemenzies.co.uk ...
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