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Bug#282590: marked as done (some more PCI IDs)

Your message dated Tue, 23 Nov 2004 01:01:20 -0800
with message-id <20041123090120.GA16834@darjeeling.triplehelix.org>
and subject line done for discover1-data
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 14 Jul 2004 05:18:48 +0000
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Subject: some more PCI IDs
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Package: discover-data
Version: 2.2004.05.03-4

Hi folks,

Would you mind to add some PCI IDs to discover-data
and discover-data1?

10de:00d7	ohci_hcd
10de:00d8	ehci_hcd
10de:00d6	forcedeth
10de:00da	snd_intel8x0	(Alsa)
1095:3512	sata_sil

{harri@pluto:harri 1004} lspci
0000:00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 Host Bridge (rev a4)
0000:00:01.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 LPC Bridge (rev a6)
0000:00:01.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation nForce3 SMBus (rev a4)
0000:00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 USB 1.1 (rev a5)
0000:00:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 USB 1.1 (rev a5)
0000:00:02.2 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 USB 2.0 (rev a2)
0000:00:05.0 Ethernet controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 Ethernet (rev a5)
0000:00:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: nVidia Corporation nForce3 Audio (rev a2)
0000:00:08.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation nForce3 IDE (rev a5)
0000:00:0a.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 PCI Bridge (rev a2)
0000:00:0b.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce3 AGP Bridge (rev a4)
0000:00:18.0 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 NorthBridge
0000:00:18.1 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 NorthBridge
0000:00:18.2 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 NorthBridge
0000:00:18.3 Host bridge: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] K8 NorthBridge
0000:01:06.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. IEEE 1394 Host Controller (rev 80)
0000:01:07.0 RAID bus controller: Silicon Image, Inc. (formerly CMD Technology Inc) SiI 3512 [SATALink/SATARaid] Serial ATA Controller (rev 01)
0000:02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV28GL [Quadro4 980 XGL] (rev a1)
{harri@pluto:harri 1005} lspci -n
0000:00:00.0 0600: 10de:00d1 (rev a4)
0000:00:01.0 0601: 10de:00d0 (rev a6)
0000:00:01.1 0c05: 10de:00d4 (rev a4)
0000:00:02.0 0c03: 10de:00d7 (rev a5)
0000:00:02.1 0c03: 10de:00d7 (rev a5)
0000:00:02.2 0c03: 10de:00d8 (rev a2)
0000:00:05.0 0200: 10de:00d6 (rev a5)
0000:00:06.0 0401: 10de:00da (rev a2)
0000:00:08.0 0101: 10de:00d5 (rev a5)
0000:00:0a.0 0604: 10de:00dd (rev a2)
0000:00:0b.0 0604: 10de:00d2 (rev a4)
0000:00:18.0 0600: 1022:1100
0000:00:18.1 0600: 1022:1101
0000:00:18.2 0600: 1022:1102
0000:00:18.3 0600: 1022:1103
0000:01:06.0 0c00: 1106:3044 (rev 80)
0000:01:07.0 0104: 1095:3512 (rev 01)
0000:02:00.0 0300: 10de:0288 (rev a1)

Many thanx


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Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 01:01:20 -0800
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Subject: done for discover1-data
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Thomas cloned this bug for discover1-data but I'm happy to say that we
have nailed all of these already on that end. :)

And consequently, assuming the changelog for the latest discover-data
upload is factual, discover-data should also be up to date as of
tonight's upload.


Joshua Kwan

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