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Re: release update and branching

* Horms <horms@verge.net.au> [2004-11-22 18:00]:
> in SVN. Can you please advise if 1) this is a good idea for sarge - I
> take it from this message that the answer is clearly yes, and 2) if
> anything is missing or should be omitted - the changelog should be
> Assuming the answers are 1) yes and 2) no, I should be able to get new
> images up in the next day or so, certainly by the end of the week.

Well, every kernel updates requires a new build of d-i and so is best
avoided if that's possible.  However, I don't see how we can release
the current kernel when it has a known security issue (the "race
conditions in linux terminal subsystem", CAN-2004-0814).  Also, I
couldn't find anything in the changelog about the ELF loader
vulnerabilities (see http://lwn.net/Articles/110486/).

How severe are those two issues?
Martin Michlmayr

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