Bug#257863: tasksel in post-reboot d-i automatically pulls in language tasks -> non-X installation impossible.
On Tue, Jul 06, 2004 at 02:04:55PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Quoting Sven Luther (luther@debian.org):
> > When doing a sid install with the daily builds of the netboot
> > debian-installer on powerpc, in the french language, i noticed that the
> > new tasksel automatically pulls in the language task, well, at least the
> > french one, which means it pulls in openoffice, kde and another bunch of
> > stuff, which not only makes it impossible to do a small non-X
> > installation, but also means my 512Mo swap partition i use for d-i
> > testing is no more big enough for finalizing the installation.
> Arg....
> Joey's initial idea of automatically pulling the language task was
> great imho, but we have to find a solution for avoiding this, of
> course.
> IMHO, there are two possible solutions:
> 1)split each language task in a "x" and "non-x" task and only pull in
> the non-x task while proposing the "x" task as an optional task
Maybe pulling the language tasks only when the X task is being pulled in ?
What do the non-x language task include anyway ? There should not be
much there.
Also, i suppose someone who is willing to have only the console and no X
is usually knowledgeable enough to either install his own language
stuff, or maybe even do not want any.
> 2)stop pulling in these languages tasks automatically and offer an
> optional language task (generic, such as "Localisation in your
> language"....)
I prefer the solution of pulling in the languages only when X is pulled
in. But in general i prefer more individualized tasks than what we have
now, like installing gnome but not KDE, or X alone.
> 1) is more complicated to be implemented (needs splitting all l10n
> tasks)
And would 1b be possible ? It would not need splitting the l10n tasks,
but would imply being able to depend on the installation of an X task.
> 2) may be easier
> I add this to topics for this evening meeting, but with low priority.
Sven Luther
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