Bug#257863: tasksel in post-reboot d-i automatically pulls in language tasks -> non-X installation impossible.
Quoting Sven Luther (luther@debian.org):
> When doing a sid install with the daily builds of the netboot
> debian-installer on powerpc, in the french language, i noticed that the
> new tasksel automatically pulls in the language task, well, at least the
> french one, which means it pulls in openoffice, kde and another bunch of
> stuff, which not only makes it impossible to do a small non-X
> installation, but also means my 512Mo swap partition i use for d-i
> testing is no more big enough for finalizing the installation.
Joey's initial idea of automatically pulling the language task was
great imho, but we have to find a solution for avoiding this, of
IMHO, there are two possible solutions:
1)split each language task in a "x" and "non-x" task and only pull in
the non-x task while proposing the "x" task as an optional task
2)stop pulling in these languages tasks automatically and offer an
optional language task (generic, such as "Localisation in your
1) is more complicated to be implemented (needs splitting all l10n
2) may be easier
I add this to topics for this evening meeting, but with low priority.
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