Bug#236499: marked as done (installation-reports: debian-installer beta2 (daily) March 5)
Your message dated Mon, 5 Jul 2004 14:46:57 -0400
with message-id <20040705184657.GA27777@kitenet.net>
and subject line closing old report
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.
This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.
(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere. Please contact me immediately.)
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 6 Mar 2004 14:23:54 +0000
>From whn@lopi.com Sat Mar 06 06:23:54 2004
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From: Bill Nugent <whn@lopi.com>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: installation-reports: debian-installer beta2 (daily) March 5
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2004 09:23:52 -0500
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Package: installation-reports
Severity: Important
Tags: sarge
Debian-installer-version: Daily Build 5-Mar-2004 downloaded from
uname -a: <The result of running uname -a on a shell prompt>
Method: netinst 108MB CD image
Machine: Old Compaq computer
Processor: 200 MHz Pentium or some such
Memory: 128MB
Root Device: IDE /dev/hda
Root Size/partition table:
/dev/hda1 /boot 128MB reiserfs
/dev/hda2 swp 512MB
/dev/hda5 / 3.3GB (Balance of 4GB Disk) reiserfs
Output of lspci:
Not available -- system panic's on boot
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked: [O]
Configure network HW: [O]
Config network: [O]
Detect CD: [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives: [O]
Partition hard drives: [O]
Create file systems: [O]
Mount partitions: [O]
Install base system: [O]
Install boot loader: [O]
Reboot: [O]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
Here is my report on installing with reiser after last night's failed
attempt at using xfs. Some comments:
During the installation the partitioning of the disk(s) is more
complicated and/or difficult that it should be. There are several
different methods on the netinst disk and most of them are a pain to
use and get in the way. Both times I used the menu item "Configure and
mount partitions" and this was easy to get the configuration I wanted.
The only problem is it apparently does not tell the installation
process that the disk(s) have been configured so every time I finish a
step the installer wants me to partition the disks!
Reboot went well except for fsck.reiserfs was not found.
fsck.reiserfs was not found during the boot up.
Grub was the boot manager choosen during the installation process but
during the post-install LILO was installed -- why? Luckily it wasn't
I'm guessing you've heard this a million times so I'll add my voice: why
isn't the 2.6 kernel installed? It is more important to me to have
sarge have a modern kernel rather than the old 2.4 kernel which is
about to join 2.2 in maintenance mode. I really hope the when sarge is
made the stable release it will be based on the 2.6 kernel -- even if
this results in an additional delay.
I hope this feedback is useful and I've filled in all the proper
information in a meaningful way. If not, please let me know the
correct way.
Received: (at 236499-done) by bugs.debian.org; 5 Jul 2004 19:54:03 +0000
>From joey@kitenet.net Mon Jul 05 12:54:02 2004
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Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 14:46:57 -0400
From: Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
To: 236499-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: closing old report
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All reported issues are fixed.
see shy jo
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- Prev by Date:
Bug#239270: marked as done (During the install I selected US, The Netherlands, US American as keyboard layout and then continued the install. At the end when you can opped to run stuff like tasksel I did one install with and one without running tasksel. Then you get the "Thank you for ...." screen and then the prompt popsup, yet above the prompt there was the following message: "error: Should never end up here using 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'". The guy's at #debian-boot asked me to post this bug report and told me that the bug must come from /usr/sbin/termcap. I don't know this, but maybe it a good pointer. They also asked me to add the /var/log/installer.log and /etc/locale.gen file. I don't know how to add those, but if needed I will mail them on request (By e-mail).)
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Bug#236128: marked as done ()
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Bug#239270: marked as done (During the install I selected US, The Netherlands, US American as keyboard layout and then continued the install. At the end when you can opped to run stuff like tasksel I did one install with and one without running tasksel. Then you get the "Thank you for ...." screen and then the prompt popsup, yet above the prompt there was the following message: "error: Should never end up here using 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'". The guy's at #debian-boot asked me to post this bug report and told me that the bug must come from /usr/sbin/termcap. I don't know this, but maybe it a good pointer. They also asked me to add the /var/log/installer.log and /etc/locale.gen file. I don't know how to add those, but if needed I will mail them on request (By e-mail).)
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Bug#236128: marked as done ()
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