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Bug#251550: Keyboard freezes when typing non-ASCII letters (was Re: Bug#251550: Bug#254630: LVM names)

Quoting Denis Barbier (barbier@linuxfr.org):

> If eacute is replaced by its Unicode notation U+00E9 in keymap
> file, everything works fine now.  But this keymap cannot be used

Uh, I confirm, it work with:

keycode   3 = U+00E9           +two              tilde            Eacute
        alt     keycode 3 = Meta_two
        alt     shift   keycode 3 = Meta_asciitilde

With such a modified keymap, in a Unicode console, I can type "é" by
hitting the "é/2/~" key on my french keyboard while hitting the
"è/7/`" gives crap

Looks like I'm about writing a fr-unicode.kmap....:-)

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