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Re: @euro support with new languagechooser (was: dropping tc1)

Quoting Steve Langasek (vorlon@debian.org):

(comparing fr_FR and fr_FR@euro...and more generally all @euro
variants of locales)

> So there's no difference in the actual charset that each is pointed to,
> the only difference is in a comment about the charset?

Yes, as far as I understand. fr_FR@euro only uses 

copy "fr_FR"


While fr_FR LC_MONETARY section refers to the Euro currency....which
is logical in 2004..:-)

same for nl_NL and all *@euro locales

I guess @euro variants were basically transition variants. They are
now useless.....except that many users still continue to use them

This is my understanding of all these things, of course.

Let's CC debian-i18n just to check if others have complements to this.

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