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Bug#249223: debian installer cd should offer a netboot install option for remote machines

Adam Lydick wrote:
> (not quoting your quote, to avoid bloating up the bug report too much)
> (snipped some discussion that my request would need "live cd" support
> and really ought to support a more advanced install to avoid lots of cd
> swapping)
> #1: Regarding live cd:
> Could the TFTP/DHCP/NFS server be squeezed onto a ramdisk instead? Can
> multiple ramdisks exist on the cd?

Why NFS? d-i doesn't use NFS-roots.
Both is possible, but it will obviously increase the RAM usage.

> #2: Regarding serving up the entire debian packageset.
> This would be very cool. However, I usually just install the base system
> to bootstrap, then install more from there once I have network access +
> aptitude. It would be perfectly acceptable to just have such a simple
> system to kick things off, as I could do the rest of the work from the
> notebook.

This approach makes a cross-architecture server difficult. And a
gnerally usable live CD (Knoppix style) would need some networking
setup anyway.

> #3: Extra bonus if this could integrate the various sysimage / kickstart
> tools to automate the install process completely. That would be
> fantastic for setting up a computer lab.

The "FAI" project tries to do that. However, they concentrate on
the stable distribution, which means they don't use d-i yet.

> #4: Extra extra bonus if the config info could be pulled from LDAP.
> (debconf seems to have some support for this already, although I haven't
> tried to use it yet)

Which would be one more reason to have a real network running. :-)


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