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Bug#249223: debian installer cd should offer a netboot install option for remote machines

(not quoting your quote, to avoid bloating up the bug report too much)
(snipped some discussion that my request would need "live cd" support
and really ought to support a more advanced install to avoid lots of cd

#1: Regarding live cd:
Could the TFTP/DHCP/NFS server be squeezed onto a ramdisk instead? Can
multiple ramdisks exist on the cd?

#2: Regarding serving up the entire debian packageset.

This would be very cool. However, I usually just install the base system
to bootstrap, then install more from there once I have network access +
aptitude. It would be perfectly acceptable to just have such a simple
system to kick things off, as I could do the rest of the work from the

#3: Extra bonus if this could integrate the various sysimage / kickstart
tools to automate the install process completely. That would be
fantastic for setting up a computer lab.

#4: Extra extra bonus if the config info could be pulled from LDAP.
(debconf seems to have some support for this already, although I haven't
tried to use it yet)

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