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Bug#248047: (no subject)

On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 10:44:42PM +0100, Martin Michlmayr wrote:

> Did you have any problems at all?  Do you have any ideas how to
> further improve the installation?  I have the following 3 things on my
> list, but I might be missing something.

Configuring the tftp server was the usual mess -- do I need a "-s"
option or not, what are the paths? But nothing a bit of tcpdumping
couldn't solve. However, I've netbooted a lot of different hardware
before, so I'm not the one to judge newbie-friendlyness of the process
or the howto.

It would be easier if the install required either NFS _or_ tftp.

tftp paths are inconsistent:

RRQ from filename /boot/default.colo 
RRQ from filename initrd.gz 
RRQ from filename vmlinux-2.4.25-r5k-cobalt 

I'd suggest getting all of those from a directory like
"/sarge-cobalt-installer", because if you have a lot of netbooting
hardware that helps to keep /tftpboot tidy.

The initial netboot step (which brings the menu on the LCD where
you're supposed to choose "TFTP") has a rather short timeout in that
menu and proceeds to boot from the HD; there should be no timeout
here, IMHO.

The LCD could be more verbose, i.e. after "loading debian-installer"
it could say "connect to the console now".

>  - check how long cobo-installer takes, and maybe add a progress bar

I thought it was rather quick -- as opposed to some situations in the
installer itself, where one dialog box went away, and it took a few
tens of seconds with a blank terminal before the next dialog came
along -- that could use some intermediary "I'm still alive and going
to do foo" texts.

>  - support installs via SSH, w/o serial console

Definitely. And an option to set the serial baudrate (from CoLo
onwards) to other speeds, i.e. 9600 like god intended.

Misc stuff:

There could be a problem with the tty settings -- ^U doesn't work in
the installer, but does after the reboot in base-config.

The partitioning tool doesn't set the swap partition type on the swap
partition (it works, so it's a cosmetic error).

inittab apparently has entries for virtual terminals, which those

INIT: Id "2" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
INIT: Id "3" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes

The instructions to install CoLo in your mail to debian-mips are a bit
wrong, the right sequence is

mkfs.ext2 -r 0 -O none /dev/hda1
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt
cd /boot
mv * /mnt
cd /
umount /mnt

But the really important thing is that colo is missing from
/boot -- here's the ls from my install:

/boot# ls -l
total 3162
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       470049 Apr 15 16:45 System.map-2.4.25-r5k-cobalt
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        20615 Apr 15 16:13 config-2.4.25-r5k-cobalt
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root          104 Jan  1  2000 default.colo
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        59808 Jan 20 23:16 delo.2nd
drwx------    2 root     root        12288 May  9 16:49 lost+found
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            6 Apr 15 16:45 patches-2.4.25-r5k-cobalt
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root      2653063 Apr 15 16:45 vmlinux-2.4.25-r5k-cobalt

I'd rather like to see a "vmlinux.gz" in there; the one from the tftp
stage doesn't seem to work:

BOOTLOADER ramcode: selected partition /dev/hda1
Decompressing done
Executing bootloader kernel...
Jump_to_Real_Kernel: disk error, trying BFD again
BOOTLOADER ramcode: selected partition /dev/hdc1
Decompressing - done
Executing bootloader kernel...
Jump_to_Real_Kernel: disk error, trying BFD again
get_root_dev: nr_boot_failures 0x00000002 exceeds maxtries 0x00000002 for boot_i
ndex 0x00000000



** christian mock in vienna, austria -- http://www.tahina.priv.at/~cm/
** http://www.vibe.at/ ** http://quintessenz.org/ ** sig@foo.woas.net
Magie kapot. Jij nu weg. En blijf weg. -- Bram

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