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Bug#221272: installation-reports: No PCMCIA recognized/ cfdisk lockup

On Thu, May 06, 2004 at 10:24:08AM -0400, Thomas R. Shemanske wrote:
Installation stalls.  Proceeding to F4 we see:
cd-rom detect
ide-cd cmd 0x28 timed out
hdc:  DMA interrupt recovery
hdc: lost interrupt

and the last three statements repeat.
Yes, it might be a problem with a flaky CD-ROM (using DMA), unfortunately it's not possible to turn off the DMA right now because of bug 226057. Could you check in a console if DMA is enabled for the CDROM when the installer is booted?

Rebooting, I tried the 2.4 installer (standard mode).  Generally this
works fine with the following exception.  During the first pass of the
installer the ethernet card is detected (3c575) and an entry is made in
/etc/network/interfaces. The first phase of the install completes
successfully, and the machine reboots.  Get to the point of installing
software.  Choose http method, choose a mirror, but network is down.
Only lo is up.  Change to F2 and as root issue /etc/init.d/networking

eth0 is now up and install continues

Reboot and network is down

This is a common problem on many laptop installations.  I find that I
often must make a local entry in /etc/init.d/ and a "late" link in rc2.d
to restart the networking.

The problem is the networking tries to come up before pcmcia, and so
fails.  I suppose you could automatically restart the network if
choosing a network option for installing packages, or alternatively, you
could add a screen upon failure of dselect to optionally restart the
Hmm, this bug has been reported already and marked as fixed in report 239284. If you indeed experienced this with beta4 of the installer, could you please reopen that bug and add as much information as possible?


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