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Progress on PPC OldWorld was: [...] 4400: block device access fails

Hi, and sorry for the late reply (was away),

On Sunday 18 April 2004 14:37, you wrote:
> [root floppy still broken]
> Hello, I tried more things:
> The tulip network driver seems to be broken, due to unresolved symbols:
> bitreverse_Rbaeb160c
> crc32_le_Ra34f1ef5

With the last autobuilt image from 23/04/04, and not using the floppies but 
the netboot stuff via BootX, everything works up to partitioning (I did not 
go further since I did not really want to install over macos/my working 
LinuxPPC when I'm not sure quik really works without needing a reboot; since 
the (root) floppies can't boot the system). Cool!

Related question: How do I modify the *boot* floppy so instead of d-i, an 
installed linux is booted? (i.e. how do I set the root=/dev/hda parameter 
since miboot doesn't accept any input, aka "making a boot floppy")

Third question: Can it be that the ppc-small/boot.img from 23/04 does not 
contain a vmlinux file?


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