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Do you want the new FEMLAB tour cd?

Dear Colleague,
I am writing to offer you the latest FEMLAB tour CD.  The CD 
contains models and case studies presented during the worldwide 
FEMLAB seminar tour last fall. On the CD are documents detailing 
34 completely new finite element models, plus the actual FEMLAB 
model files. Most of the models have not been published before.
If you are interested in receiving the CD free of charge,
please register at http://www.comsol.com/tourcd/
This offer will be valid as long as we still have CDs.
FEMLAB is a powerful multiphysics modeling package using finite
element analysis in 1D, 2D and 3D, and is fully integrated with
MATLAB. It is used in research, product development and teaching,
in such fields as:
   - Acoustics
   - Antennas
   - Bioscience
   - Bioengineering
   - Chemical reactions
   - Diffusion
   - Ecology
   - Electromagnetics
   - Environmental science
   - Fluid dynamics
   - Fuel cells
   - Geophysics
   - Heat transfer
   - Math/Applied PDEs
   - MEMS
   - Microwave engineering
   - Nanotechnology
   - Optics and photonics
   - Physics
   - Porous media flow
   - Quantum mechanics
   - Radio frequency components
   - Semiconductor devices
   - Structural mechanics
   - Transport phenomena
   - Wave propagation
   - Any combination of the above
Best Regards,
Tony Ching
P.S. Feel free to forward this to a colleague.

*Reply to me directly if you do not want to receive further emails

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