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Re: font reduction build problem

> Binary search finds it's this line:
> Description-pl.ISO-8859-2: Za³aduj komponenty instalatora z p³yty CD
> And also this one:
> Description-hu.ISO-8859-2: Telepítõ összetevõinek betöltése CD-rõl
> And lots more all in ISO-8859-*.
> For now I am just grepping out everything in ISO-8859-* encodings when
> calling reduce-font. This may cause problems with stuff in those
> encodings, I really don't know.

Well, lot of languages use ISO encodings for their PO files. Indeed,
about the half of languages use UTF-8 and another half use ISO-8859-*

For instance, French uses ISO-8859-15 everywhere. The French team
agreed that we're currently not ready for full UTF-8 (just ask them
the mess this was when I switched to it on my system...:-))).

As far as I know this shouldn't be a problem. Only
languagechooser.l10n entries have to be UTF-8 encoded.

Regarding japanese EUC-JP, I have no idea...:)

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