Bug#223049: Error logs lacking
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version: Beta1-Business Card Install
uname -a: N/A
Date: 12/05/2003
Method: Booted from Business Card Machine
Machine: Homebrew
Processor: Celeron 400
Memory: 128 MB
Root Device: WDC36400
Root Size/partition table: /dev/hda1 swap ~256 MB
/dev/hda2 /boot ~50 MB
/dev/hda2 / ~5.3 GB
Output of lspci: N/A
Base System Installation Checklist:
Initial boot worked: [Y]
Configure network HW: [Y]
Config network: [Y]
Detect CD: [Y]
Load installer modules: [Y]
Detect hard drives: [Y]
Partition hard drives: [Y]
Create file systems: [Y]
Mount partitions: [Y]
Install base system: [E]
Install boot loader: [ ]
Reboot: [ ]
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it
Everything worked fine during the install until I got to the install base
system section. At that point it gave me an error about installing base
system to /target failed. It asked me to check files in /target/var/log/. I
went to that directory and discovered that both the files that were there
(debootstrap.log and debootstrap.err.log) were both empty. As such I was
unable to determine what the problem was. I later realized that despite the
fact that the machine had gotten a DHCP address properly, it still didn't
have a working internet connection, due to a problem on my end. However an
error message that it was unable to resolve the domain or contact a server
would be helpful. Additionaly when it was setting up my partitions it just
sat at a blank screen while it worked in the back ground. For a second I
thought it had died as all the other steps had given progress bars. Even
just a screen saying that it is formatting would be helpful.
Jefferson Cowart
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