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Re: dhcp idea

Am Di, den 11.11.2003 schrieb Joey Hess um 23:37:
> How's this for an idea for dhcp. If priority is high, then run dhcp, but
> in the background, and only for 30 seconds (or some better chosen time
> that is long enough for most dhcp servers to reply, and short enough to
> not annoy people with no dhcp).

Hm, another idea:
Start netcfg, with dhcp probing in the background while in the
foreground presenting a select question with:

"Trying to automatically configure the network..."
"Abort network configuration"
"Configure network manually"

We would need then a means to interrupt this question if DHCP probing is

The advantage: The user has full control if and how long he wants to
probe for DHCP.


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