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Missing library libbogl.so.0 in d-i's today build

Hi people,

I'm trying to build d-i for the first time in order to help testing it
and to check if my translations are really being used. I tried to to it
by using the following comando in d-i's build/ directory (after
installing the needed build-depencies by hand) :

fakeroot make TYPE=net

I'm getting the following error :

Library not found: libbogl.so.0 in path: /lib/ : /usr/lib/ :
make: *** [net-tree-stamp] Error 1

Attached is a complete build log (gziped).

I can see that there's a line like the following in the build's log :

# Copy in any extra libs.
cp -a /lib/libnss_dns* /lib/libresolv* ./tmp/net/tree/lib/

Should we also include libbogl* into this list or should it be provided
bt some other udeb ?


||  André Luís Lopes                   andrelop@ig.com.br               ||
||  Debian-BR Project                  http://debian-br.cipsga.org.br   ||
||  Public GPG KeyID                   9D1B82F6                         ||
||  Keyserver                          wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net               ||

Attachment: log.txt.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pgpXB0MwipBue.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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