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Woody on a laptop with pcmcia 8139too

I just tried to install the new release with the i386 disks, but found it
impossible. My laptop uses a rtl8139 (too) card, but the installation failed to
configure it correctly.
The vanilla disks' installation inserted the module, but did not configure the
device (some weird stuff, I won't get into those, as I believe there is an
easier way to make things work. Furthermore, the 2.2 kernel has been problematic
on this laptop).
I then tried the bf2.4 disks, which I believed would work (other distros
actually work fine with this one), only to find out that the driver is compiled
into the kernel. This makes it impossible to install on any pcmcia+8139too
machine, am I right?
My suggestion is that the driver would be compiled as a module in the bf2.4
disks, for increased installation flexibility on laptops.

I'm new to this list, but not new to debian. I hope that this is helpful, as
many people just try out debian, and give up for the smallest reason.
Personally, I believe that installation is one of the most impotant aspects to
polish, when it comes to making a linux distro look good.

Johan Ehnberg
"Windows? No... I don't think so."

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