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Re: Debian GNU/Linux on a floppyless Alpha

Frank Ecke <franke@euro-telematik.de> writes:

> I've had some fun trying to install the Potato release
> of Debian GNU/Linux on a DEC Alpha Station.  Everything
> was fine until the installation routine asked me to
> place a floppy disk into the drive associated with
> /dev/fd0.  Apparently, it was about to create a "rescue
> floppy."
>    I didn't want to do that but had no option to skip
> that step.  What's even worse, even if I had wanted to
> create such a floppy, I would have been unable to do
> so.  This jewel of an Alpha doesn't have a floppy disk
> drive, yet the installation routine was convinced of the
> contrary!
>    The favor I'd like to ask of you now is: Could you
> modify the installation routine so that those of us who
> don't want a "rescue floppy" or don't have a floppy
> drive can get by?

The current version of the boot floppies doesn't even generate a
rescue floppy by default, and I was pretty sure the potato version did
the same... are you sure it didn't ask for the drivers disk or
something? Also it would be helpful to know what firmware you were
using and how you booted the machine (tftp?).

In any case, the potato boot floppies are unmaintained, and you should
probably rather try the pre-release woody boot floppies. If that still
doesn't work, please file a bug report.


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