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Test Machine..


    I recently downloaded the debian netbook image and burned it to CD.  I 
need to know if it'll work on an i386 with 8MB or RAM and about 500MB of disk 

    I am currently using Mandrake 8.2 as an LTSP-based desktop server, but 
want to experiment with Debian to create a very lightweight desktop server.  

    I am NOT experienced with Debian, but need something very well refined 
and safe to upgrade.  My eventual goal, if possible, will be to create a 
desktop distrobution-maker utility.    That is, something that will build an 
ISO image from selectable packages and reconfiguration scripts on top of a 
generic, base-GNU/Linux that is well defined, common, and as LSB compliant as 
possible.  How is Debian progressing toward LSB compliance, in general?

    I am already developing an admin utility for LTSP desktops.  It's for 
setting group-based desktop configurations, lockdown policies, LTSP 
configurations, and optimizations for performance and distribution of where 
apps are run:  On the server over X or on the client natively.


Anything that can be logically explained, can be programmed.

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