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Can't boot ReiserFS system after installing

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I've installed woody with the 2.4 kernel just fine. However, after
rebooting for some reason the kernel tries to mount / as FAT, and of
course panics. Here are the kernel messages (may not be completely
exact, I had to copy by hand):

NET4: Unix domain sockets
cramfs: wrong magic
request_module[nls_cp437] Root not mounted
unable to load charset 437
(a few more nls errors)
Directory 1: Bad FAT
Filesystem panic (dev 03:01)
   FAT error
VFS: mounted root (vfat filesystem) readonly
Freeing unused kernel memory
Kernel panic: no init found

I also tried booting the installer, starting a shell and running 'mount
/dev/hda1 disk', and it was mounted as FAT. Of course ls then produced a
lot of garbage. If I pass '-t reiserfs' it works just fine.

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