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Re: localising base-config - end game

#include <hallo.h>
Petter Reinholdtsen wrote on Thu Mar 07, 2002 um 03:17:22PM:

>  - use the current language during the second stage installation
>    (base-config)
>  - use the current language and locale as the system default for all
>    users after the second stage installer is finished.
> Which one do you want?  I want the first one, but not the second one.

In generaly the second, but the first is also okay _if_ you run
dpkg-reconfigure locales somewhere in base-config.

> For the first one to work, the 'locales' package must be installed
> installed and /etc/locale.gen updated before locale-gen is executed.

Without installing locales from BFs, you won't get any localisation with

> The change to boot-floppies would be almost the same for both.  The
> only difference is which question to ask, and how to interpret the
> answer.

Yes. But I still don't see why you need the massive changes in
dbootstrap if base-config is doing the job.

> In addition to the 'locales' package, some languages needs to install
> a special frame buffer terminal to be able to show the characters.

See my patch, you can extend the list easily, depending on the language.

> Japanese is an example, but I guess Russian have the same problem.

No. console-data should have all required data to make KOI8-R work.

> The package must be installed before base-config (or more correctly
> termwrap) starts.  My patch do not address that problem.

Okay, so my statement:

This things should not be included into woody. Instead, we create a
patchset, so CD distributors that want localisation can enable it. This
means, for special CD distributions, someone can take patched BFs,
with patched debootstrap (*) and patched base-config.

(*) This is the easiest option instead of modifying the BFs themselves.

> Here is a modified patch for boot-floppies.
> Index: dbootstrap.h

Looks okay in most parts, but locales depends on debconf!

Eingedeutschte Fehlermeldungen sind doch etwas 
schoenes: "Kein Weltraum links auf dem Geraet" 

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