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debootstrap NMU


If you've got problems with debootstrap, file a bug about it *then* NMU.
Don't skip the first part.

In particular,

  * require newer makedev, fixes build problems on m86k and arm
  * added additional devices to the device list, especially input and usb
    needed for modern device drivers (Joysticks, USB, Scanners)

breaks basedebs building, and I have no way of telling exactly what the
problem was you're trying to solve.

NMUs are for making minimal changes, and _only_ when you provide _all_ the
information to the maintainer.

Also, base is _not_ up for random additions.
  * added pppoeconf to the packages list, better choice for DSL users



Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
We came. We Saw. We Conferenced. http://linux.conf.au/

  ``Debian: giving you the power to shoot yourself in each 
       toe individually.'' -- with kudos to Greg Lehey

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