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Re: Problems with installing debian with bf2.4 boot disks and images.

#include <hallo.h>
James Courtier-Dutton wrote on Sun Feb 24, 2002 um 02:16:48AM:

> I think the problem is that the "linux" file should be created using the
> "make bzImage".
> I don't think the "linux" file is in bzImage format.

Nope. You can hardly create a 2.4 kernel in original format or in the
zImage format.

> I have found that using the "vmlinuz" file is no good for DOS loadlin.
> One has to use the bzImage for DOS loadlin.

It is the same file, and lilo and syslinux boot fine from it.

access(".sig", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
--- SIGSEGV (Signature fault) ---
+++ killed by SIGSEGV +++

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