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Booting Woody on iMac/PowerBook

The installation manual suggests in 4.2 that the files downloadable from
Debian mirrors have a flavour 'new-powermac' that use a 2.4
kernel. However, visiting (one of the) http.us.debian.org servers, the
only ones that showed up were the powermac images.

Is this because all powermacs use the 2.2 kernel, or is it because the
server did not have the new-powermac flavour available?

Secondly, I have no floppy drive on my machine, but a UFS formatted
partition for Debian to reside on. It would be useful if the installation
documents suggested a way of uncompressnig the disk images and unzipping
them to the (newly formatted) partition, along with a (yaboot/OF) boot
command to boot of the new drive.

(I'm downloading the debian-imac.sit, which may be the solution; however,
at 22MB it's significantly larger than the few boot-floppies which I'd


|*       Alex Blewitt       * Hug, and the world hugs with you *|
|*  Alex.Blewitt@ioshq.com  *                                  *|
|* Mobile: +44 7966 158 647 *    Spread a little happiness     *|

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