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Re: French installation document corrections

Marc SCHAEFER <schaefer@alphanet.ch> writes:

> Let me translate it:
>    - use of <var></var> inside of <file></file> gives \tt and other
>      funny stuff at actual output (PDF, probably LaTeX/SGML interaction)

debiandoc-sgml bug -- please file that.

>    - sometimes '\' is really seen as '\backslash' in the resulting PDF.

Can you cite a line in the SGML source that does this?  Also sounds
like a debiandoc-sgml bug.

>    - Because of French typography, when saying e.g. 'A:', it will be
>      seen as 'A :' on the final output.

ditto.  I don't understand this, you might clarify...

>    - There is a &Pre-2-2-Linux-Kernel-Compatibility; entity which is
>      not correctly translated.

Just a PO translation issue I guess.

>    - sometimes the '...' ellipsis is near the next word.

Uh, SGML source quotation and more details would be helpful.  Possible
TeX tweak minor bug against debiandoc-sgml.

>    - lilo.conf example has typsetting wrong (line break at wrong place,
>      funny characters).

Hmm.  Is this from what is in en/post-install.sgml ?  If the SGML
source looks ok but you are still getting a wierd linebreak and such,
that's absolutely a debiandoc-sgml bug.

We're using &quot; in there -- maybe we should be using just "
instead? Is it  cahnging the quotes into guillamets (sp) ?

> I don't know enough of SGML to help, though.

Well, please do followup and file bugs gainst debiandoc-sgml where
necessary.  It's nice to see someone looking at the PDF closely.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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