Re: 3.0.16 for testing (debootstrap esp!)
Adam Di Carlo wrote:
Hi, I've uploaded a boot-floppies 3.0.16 testing to
Installation of a new system with that boot disks (reserfs) faild.
1. It faild while using our local debian mirror by telling that ther was
a korupted dpk file. That file is not korupted.
The trueth is that that none dpk file was downloaded.
I'm nut sure but maybe that's a problem with our mirrorserver woh's not
100% http 1.1 clean.
2. It faild while using
the package installation complains about a not installed fileutils.dpk
(on screen 4)
Just a note worked ok for me last week
By the way haw far is the inclusion of wget as replacement for the old
http methode?
greets Uwe
X-Tec GmbH
Institute for Computer and Network Security
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