Re: installation hangs
> | > Hi all
> | > Im trying to install debian but the
> installation
> | > hangs. The exact moment when it does it
> is
> | > just before iam prompted first time with a
> | > grafical menu. My grafical device is a
> | > Hercules kiro II 4500.
> | >
> | > Is posible to install debian without any
> | > grafical prompt??
> | >
> | > Sorry my english and thnx un advance
> | >
> | > dontxxi
> | >
> |
> | you didn't provide much information on
> what are the packages you installed.
> | anyway, here goes...
> |
> | from my memory of the install process, the
> first time the install starts,
> | the installer installs the base system that
> consists of kernel stuff,
> | drivers and all.
> | then it reboots to run off your hard disk.
> this is when it preselects
> | certain packages to install, while asking
> you whether you want to use the
> | SIMPLE or ADVANCED options to install
> extra packages. if you choose SIMPLE
> | you will find a whole list of task items that
> you can select. (if you don't
> | select any now and continue installation,
> you can do the same later. to do
> | it later, type tasksel in the shell (text
> mode).
> | if in SIMPLE installation you do not choose
> any of the graphical options
> | i.e. task x-windows(complete), or task x-
> windows(core components), then you
> | won't have the graphical prompt (X
> windows) you talked of.
> Sorry by i dont arrive to the packet
> instalation. The promt that i am talking
> about is the vga promt where you select
> things like the keyboard type or the system
> name, and where you mount /. I dont arrive
> to see any of this prompts.
sorry, when you said "grafical prompt" i assumed you were referring to
X-Windows. actually, what you mean is the installation screen.
it's difficult to help you troubleshoot. could you tell exactly the steps
you took to install?
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