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Bug#109455: dhcp non-functional 3.0.11

On Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 11:43:28AM -0400, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> That's reasonable, although minor.  So it's dhclient which is saying
> "operation failed", and that is getting put up on the window?  I must

No, just to console 3 or 4.

> have misread you -- I thought you were saying dhclient was returning
> success, but no IP... ?

Here's my analysis.

looking at dhcp-2.0pl5/client/dhclient.c, in state_panic(), I was
reaching the point

    note ("No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.\n");

go_daemon() is called, which does the obvious.  The current dhclient
process exit(0)'s.

in boot-floppies/utilities/dbootstrap/netconfig.c, configure_network(),
there are two tests for success.

      if (execlog(prtbuf, LOG_INFO) || !is_interface_up(netinterface)) {

where prtbuf is dhclient-2.2.x.  In my case, I failed the if.  This must
mean is_interface_up() isn't doing the job, because dbootstrap reaches
the point where

problemBox(_("The network has been successfully configured "
             "using DHCP/ BOOTP."),

(slightly reformatted for readability)
is executed.  I lack proper socket experience to debug
is_interface_up().  I did note from console two during install that
ifconfig reported that eth0 was "up", but didn't have an ip.

BTW, I no longer have a machine where I can test this any further.


Daniel Bungert | www.personal.psu.edu/drb210

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