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Re: 9.3 Replacing the Rescue Floppy Kernel i386

Stephen R Marenka <stephen@marenka.net> writes:

> I'm sure somebody can explain that better with fewer words, but I think 
> it's better than what we have. Thoughts?

Yes, this is good.   I've always felt we should have better
documentation for stuff like this.

You'll need to split out the i386 from the generic stuff, since the
flavor issue is i386 only (others have subarches, which is different
from the flavors, but does act much the same).

Do you need help rendering this into SGML?  Chris Tillman might be
able to help you or even merge this in.

...Adam Di Carlo..<adam@onshore-devel.com>...<URL:http://www.onshored.com/>

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