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Boot-floppies: test list & other

Hello Sven,

here some test results plus other informations
questions & bugs

1)I have tested your patch, unfortunately it does not work,
  but don't worry, i have found i think, a solution
  for the 2.2.10 kernel version problem.
  I attack the file powerpc.rules completely (is 800 bytes)
  so you can sobstitute it in the boot-floppies/make
  directory if this my modify will be accepted.

2) Is possible to load the root image with 2.4.3 kernel.

3) About the '"bootstrap --apus etc... program'" troubles,
   seems i have found also a solution:
   the problem was that Amiga setpatch program must be
   present in the startup-sequence before "'bootstrap"'

   here is a list of the files contained in the Amiga floppy
   (1,76M) from which i boot Linux:
   libs (dir)
      68040.library                    68040new.library
      68060.library                    ppc.library
   s (dir)
   c (dir)
      Assign                           bootstrap
      Copy                             Execute
      MakeDir                          ppcboot_pup
      ppcboot_wup                      SetPatch
   t (dir)
   config.gz                        debian.txt
   install.sh                       linux
   readme.txt                       sys_map.gz
   and here the startup-sequence
   c:setpatch QUIET
   makedir ram:env
   makedir ram:t
   assign env: ram:env
   assign t: ram:t
   copy sys:linux ram:vmlinux
   copy c:ppc#? ram: >NIL:
   copy c:bootstrap ram:
   cd ram:
   bootstrap --apus "root=/dev/hdb2 video=pm2fb:mode:1152x864-70"
   With WarpUp also works, with the little extra work of
   to copy and setup its env vars from the floppy.

4) Do exists an utility like mkdosfs to Amigados format
   floppy-disks under Linux ?

5) Lastly, but not least, a strange misterious bug...:

   I think this is for Nicholai Benalal &  |  Michel Danzer

   Compressed kernels:

   If i gzip an APUS 2.2.10 kernel, more explicitly the one i have taken
   from the Apus site it works with '"bootstrap'",
   but if i use the 2.2.10 APUS compressed kernel extracted from the Debian
   Package '"bootstrap'" complains that the kernel has a decompression
   crc error
   here is the output:
   Linux/m68k Amiga Bootstrap version 5.6
   Copyright 1993,1994 by Hamish Macdonald and Greg Harp

   Amiga 4000 CPU: 68060 with internal FPU, AGA chipset

   APUS: No BPPC+ SCSI interface detected.
   APUS: PCI Bridge detected.
   Command line is 'root=/dev/hdb2 video=pm2fb:mode:1152x864-70 video=amifb:vga
   video=map:000011 single'
   Vertical Blank Frequency: 50Hz
   Power Supply Frequency: 50Hz
   EClock Frequency: 709379Hz

   Found 5 AutoConfig Devices
   Device 0: addr = 0x40000000
   Device 1: addr = 0x00e90000
   Device 2: addr = 0x00ea0000
   Device 3: addr = 0x00eb0000
   Device 4: addr = 0x00f01060

   Found 1 Block of Memory
   Block 0: 0x08000000 to 0x0ff80000 (130560K)
   2048K of CHIP memory

   The kernel will be located at 0x08000000
   Kernel is compressed
   Uncompressing kernel image
   Compressed image too large! Aborting.

   crc errorDecompression error -- aborting

   It can be gunzipped without errors ( from the Amiga side i use ADE 
   gzip1.2.4) and also used uncompressed, but , the mistery is more 
   misterious ;-) , if i gzip the kernel another time, also without using the
   -9 option the problem returns.


                         Giorgio Terzi
# powerpc-specific Rules
# This module contains rules to build the 'apus' and 'prep'
# subarchitectures, as they are somewhat difficult.

bootprep.bin bootprepfull.bin: bootprep.sh rootprep.bin
	$(ROOTCMD) ./bootprep.sh $(archive) $(kver)
## XXX: apus isn't keeping up with the other powerpc kernels
modulesapus.tgz sys_mapapus.gz configapus.gz linuxapus modcontapus:	kernel.sh
	$(ROOTCMD) ./kernel.sh $(archive) $(apuskver) "apus"

resc1440apus.bin:  rootapus.bin linuxapus rescue.sh $(arch_rescue_deps)
	$(ROOTCMD) ./rescue.sh $(archive) "apus" $(apuskver) $< \
		1440 $(debianversion) "" $(LINGUA) $(SFONT)

#Local variables:
#mode: Makefile

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