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[fw: tar in current cvs is broken]

I figure people on this lists may find this interesting as well.

----- Forwarded message from David Whedon <dwhedon@gordian.com> -----

From: David Whedon <dwhedon@gordian.com>
Subject: tar in current cvs is broken
To: busybox@opensource.lineo.com
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 15:22:06 -0700

I'm not sending to either the Debian or Lineo BTS since I don't know if this
problem affects anything other than current cvs.  It is probably unsporting to
submit a bug when working form cvs.

To recreate the bug, run these commands inside the busybox _install/bin/ dir.

$ rm -rf temp/ t.tar  
$ mkdir temp 
$ dd count=8 if=/dev/urandom of=temp/foo
8+0 records in
8+0 records out
$ ./tar -cf t.tar temp/
$ ./tar -xf t.tar
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Bad tar header, skipping
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors

The error occurs even if the standard 'tar' is used for creating the archive,
so the problem appears related to extraction.


----- End forwarded message -----

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