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Re: newbie tester

At 0:08 -0600 2/21/01, ktb wrote:
>I sent this to debian-testing and was sent to this list there was
>also another individual on d-testing that was looking for the same
>info -
>I saw Anthony Towns' email calling for volunteers to test woody
>boot-floppies on linuxtoday.  I read debian FAQ 12 and sifted though
>some of the archives in debian-testing but don't see any documentation
>on how to get started.  Is there a special place from which to download
>the boot images or just use the closest public mirror?  If bugs are
>found do you send to the bug tracking system or is there another venue?
>Basically I need some information on how to get started.  Are there any
>docs regarding this process?

Hope you already some exprience with Debian
and it's installation procedure.

Install the debian package 'boot-floppies' and the packages on which it relies.
Read the document /usr/share/doc/boot-floppies/README

$ cd boot-floppies/
$ ls
README  changelog.gz  copyright
$ less README
This package allows you to create a Debian installation system on
floppy disk or other media, for bootstrapping Debian onto a new
system. Most users will simply download the disk images to do this, so
the boot-floppies package will generally only be used by advanced
Debian maintainers.

When not building, but just testing, you can get ready images at

Groet Geert Stappers
Hit the right key to continue

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