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Re: proxy support for wget retriever

* Joey Hess 

| Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
| > 
| > I think the patch is pretty self-explanatory.  It adds proxy support
| > for wget, and additionally, it _requires_ the user to input hostname
| > and directory.
| > 
| > Could somebody review it and apply (I'm in the NM queue and don't have an
| > account on debian.org).
| I've applied it with several modifications (the loops around GET
| commands made no sense).

Thanks - the while loops where there so that we would get hostname and
directory information.  Else, wget-retriever should check that it has
a hostname and directory before trying to call wget.  Just having wget
dying isn't a very nice thing to do, imho.  Especially when we are
using busybox wget which doesn't give any error messages.


Tollef Fog Heen
Unix _IS_ user friendly... It's just selective about who its friends are.

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