Re: Potato install: problems loading lp.o module
Niccolo Rigacci <> writes:
> Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> >
> > > - Some modules dependancies are not resolved automatically.
> > > Noticeably lp is not loaded if I don't load parport_pc
> > > manually.
> >
> > That probably means depmod wasn't running properly. Can you test with
> > the the images at ?
> The problem is still there. It seems that lp.o depends on
> parport_pc.o and "depmod -a" is unable to figure it out.
> I write "it seems" because after modprobing parport_pc and lp
> (which installs three modules), the status of lsmod is the
> following:
> Module Pages Used by
> lp 5188 0 (unused)
> parport_pc 7236 1
> parport 7280 1 [lp parport_pc]
> af_packet 6032 0 (unused)
> unix 10212 1
> So parprot_pc seems to be unused, but it is busy if I try to
> remove it.
> On my old Debian 2.1 upgraded to kernel 2.2.13, lp modprobes
> fine, loading only parport.
Hmmm, the solution according to kernel documentation is:
alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc
parport.o is generic parallel port support; parport_* is
architecture-dependant; for instance, on my box, it's parport_ax which
has to be used to provide the low-level support required by parport.
So it's true that lp only really depends on parport, and, in fact,
it's parport.o that needs the low-level driver (parport_*) even though
the module use of other modules may seem to indicate otherwise.
> May be it is not boot-floppies specific? Something changed in the
> modules? Can someone test lp module of kernel 2.2.17 in a
> different environment?
This is just the way it is designed.
It would be nice if this came out of the box in an easier-to-use
fashion but this is not a problem I think this group (debian-boot) can
solve -- this is a more general "configure linux device drivers"
.....Adam Di<URL:>
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