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Re: bf build with lang chooser turned on

On Wed, May 24, 2000 at 08:22:47AM +0900, Taketoshi Sano wrote:
> > Well, I am not sure that putting those libraries into cvs tree is a very good
> > idea.  They are really big.  Language choose is not maintstream thingie.  So a
> > person who is going to create her own boot floppies will have to download 800K
> > more.  What do you think?  Well, if we are not going to put these libraries
> > into boot-floppies package, then the user will have to download the stuff
> > herself.  I believe than there is no point (well, almost no point :) to make
> > the procedure for cvs and non cvs methods different.
> But if this i18n flavor will go into potato (*1), then we must
> provide all the source required to build it.
>  *1: Adam said: 'Remember, we can continue to do "point releases" of 
> Potato boot-floppies even after Potato is released.' so i18n floppy 
> has the possibility to go into potato as the post-release version.
Again.  As soon as language chooser goes mainstream we'll have reconsider the
way everything is done.

> So, we have to do one of two:
>  A) Create new library package for patched newt and slang, upload
>     and imcorporate it into potato as normal package.
>  B) Get the patched source codes into boot-floppies, and do not
>     get them into potato as normal package.
> I prefer plan A) above, because the patched library is only needed
> for boot-floppies currently.
[ you said this was a mistype: A) --> B) ]
No.  They will be of use for tasksel package (which is separate, is it not?).
And, I am pretty sure, there will be more.  The best thing would be having
special slang and newt packages.

> I think we can commit the source for libutf8, at least.
> libutf8 (http://www.rano.org/tmp/bogl-libutf8.tar.gz) is
> just 12811 bytes in compressed tar form, and about 80kbytes
> in extracted tree. I think we should commit this into cvs 
> at first. How do you think ?
Look, libutf8 would be a nice separate package as well. :)  But, if lc is going
to appear in one of potato versions, then we'll have some problems, as we won't
be able to put anything in potato.  So, I'd agree.  Where to put it?

> And "bterm -f /usr/lib/bterm/ucsfonts.bgf -l C.utf8"
> can show the characters in 9x18.repertoire-utf8.
> In fact, some characters ("Combining Diacritical Marks"
> are one of them) are missing, but many charcters are seen.
Good.  I have also enjoyed the way Japanese write, though I did not understand
anything. :)

> about 35kbytes. But I have problem with the patch for slang.
So did I.  I had to obtain slang 1.4.0 and only the I succeeded.  Edmund, you
were going to create a patch for the latest version.  Could you please do that?

> about 108kbytes. Maybe something can be done to extract the
> required code from the source package of newt and use them 
> to build the required patched libnewt0-utf8.
I do not quite understand what you mean under `required code' here...

> Finally, the biggest files come. The ucs font files:
>    847774  ucs-fonts-asian.tar.gz
>    724492  ucs-fonts.tar.gz
Good news! :)  If you check utilities/bogl directory, you'll find a program
called reduce-font (make reduce-font).  I tried to create a font for
release_notes in all availble languages.  The resulting font was only about 60K

> I think these font files are the same one which is provided
> in XFree86 4.0, and we can use these as DFSG compatible one.
What package these are in?

> But if we try to build the true i18n floppy includes
> the asian font support, then font reduction technology
> may be the essential. 
It's there! :)

> If we can not do the font-reduction, then we have to escape
> the problem with other work-around trick. Ffor example, 
> supply the extra floppy for fonts file to load them into 
> the other ram-disk filesystem, because the root on /dev/ram0 
> can not afford to get them. Using this approach, we will use
> the same resc/root/drv disks for all LINGUA, and one of several
> (maybe two or so) "font and message" disk. Users can switch
> the language by replace that "font and message" disk.
More floppies, more problems!

> Ah, I have not consider this approach thoroughly, but the size
> of messages.trm files for all LINUGA may not fit in a single
> root floppy disk, so we may need an extra disk anyway.
> I have created 17 .trm files in utf8, and the total size of
> them are 920479 bytes.
Everything is not that bad.  In compressed form these is only about 260K.

>  - to commit the source of libutf8 as utilities/libutf8 in cvs for b-f
>    This is required to use the utf8 on bterm.

re patched slang and newt. I do think that a message should be sufficient at
the moment!  Again, putting anything into CVS like patches, patched versions of
libraries is viable only if lc goes mainstream.

As for fonts, I do not know.  If XFree86 v4.0 uses these fonts, then we could
provide a temporary package till XFree86 is in distribution...  I believe this
will a convenient way for everybody.  To my mind, shipping bogl fonts as a
separate package is not very nice idea, as these are of use only for
boot-floppies (and related programs working only during installation!). And
font reduction is going to be used (I think it is), then such a package will be
of no use at all.

re problems with C.po.  I thought I made en.trm a special case.  I'll check.


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