Re: First Test Cycle starts today
On 4 May 2000, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
> >>>>> "Mark" == Mark van Walraven <> writes:
> Mark> On Thu, May 04, 2000 at 11:52:29AM -0700, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
> >> in the case of old BIOS, you must partition a large disk with a boot
> >> partition, mounted on "/boot". There is some support for doing that;
> Mark> Alternatively, a small root partition and no separate partition for /boot.
> Right... as long as it's large enough to hold all of the things that
> ought to be on it, like /bin and /sbin, for instance, but small
> enough to be entirely contained below the 1024 cylinder. It seems
> easier and less error prone to just say "make a small 5-10Mb
> partition and mount it on /boot" than to try and figure the size to
> make that / partition.
What would you have on /boot that it would need 5-10M?
Excluding var, home, usr, tmp; / should be no less than 12M, 15-20M is
probably better, this is in line with the general consensus expressed in
the available docs. If you forget to put /var on its own, large[1],
partition (something not always mentioned in the howto's, etc.) or link
it into a larger partition, you need ~24M in / to install the base
system - but you will run out of inodes in a hurry when you start adding
packages (this was as of 2.2.9?).
[1] How large should /var be, (2 x sizeof-distribution) + dpkg-oh?
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