Re: README-Users.m4 > README.txt
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000, Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> >> ship files. I don't think (in this case) I'd be all that happy about
> >> having all ASCII files use DOS EOL conventions.
> >
> >I'd say that all must-be-readable-from-DOS/Win files have DOS EOLs. This would
> >include READMEs, and e.g. dselect and cfdisk manpages. We _do_ ask first-time
> >users to read those, after all. Other ASCII files (like HTML files) can just
> >keep their UX EOLs.
> Yes but you didn't seem to comprehend my earlier postings about
> auto-EOL conversion which occurs on ftp servers and http servers.
> If this is CD-specific then it should be handled by debian-cd, as it
> currently is.
This was indeed meant for -cd, but I forgot to trim the Cc:'s. Sorry.
Anne Bezemer
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