Re: build custom installdisk?
>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Vogt <> writes:
Michael> Please tell me, which ".config" I have to use to get a working bootfloppy
Michael> kernel.
Install the kernel-source and kernel-package packages, then take the
config file from either the default kernel-image or from the compact
kernel-image. (An easy way to do that is use `mc' in a terminal,
press Enter over the kernel-image .deb, browse into the package
tarfile's /boot directory, then copy the config file out.) When you
run `make xconfig' or `make menuconfig' in the kernel-source
directory, have it load the config you took from the Debian
kernel-image package you chose. Change whatever options you like,
and then run `make-kpkg' (RTFM - I won't give a tutorial.) to create
your custom kernel-image package. Put that in your Incoming or local
directory (as defined in the toplevel `config' makefile), and build
the boot-floppies.
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