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Re: [IDEA]: extended task selecter for woody

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>>>>> "Ben" == Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org> writes:

    Ben> I'm not sure exactly what plans are held for woody. But I had
    Ben> a thought for a simple extension to the task
    Ben> selecter. Basically it would allow you to open a tree for
    Ben> each task and manually select/unselect each package that the
    Ben> task depends on. If not all of the packages under a task are
    Ben> selected, then the task package itself is not installed (just
    Ben> the selected sub packages).

    Ben> Thoughts, comments?

That goes into the direction I'd like the task-selector (and maybe the
whole package selection process) to go.

I'd love to see a lot more flexibility and, well, intelligence.  Most
task packages are too f***ing huge (I complained about the
task-python-dev which includes *everything* that in any way has to do
with python development...)

A hierarchy of `pseudo' (virtual's taken, dammit) packages would be
good.  So python-dev could contain (yes, I like Daniel's `component'
ideas) python-dev-web, python-dev-palm, python-dev-gtk and so on.

I need to put this down on paper (or, rather, HD space ;-)...

BTW, is there any existing proposal for this stuff?  Or anything that
approaches one?

Bye, J

PS: I do all my stuff in Python now, but I don't have task-python-dev
installed... why would I need `pyrite' (I don't have a Pilot)?

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: jae@ilk.de      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
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