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Re: Where slop 2.2.7?

> Adam also said he was posting something to -release, but I haven't seen that
> either. A shame, since it probably contained his plans for what we're
> supposed to do while he's gone...

um, I'm not sure what his exact plans are. He did mention to me on Monday
that he'd like us to continue to upload new versions of boot floppies to fix
bugs, etc.

Things that remain to be fixed:
- There are still significant problems with the netconfig stuff in boot
  floppies. pcmcia setups don't work yet. Who's working on this? What's the
- lilo cleanups -- Mark is working on these I believe.
- netfetch doesn't work all the time, and has various problems. If we are
  really going to include this in potato it needs to be fixed RSN. Also, do
  we have someone working on this? (Marcel?)

there are also continuous improvement things -- documentation, translations,

Debian Developer <tausq@debian.org>

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